Free Masterclass

How to Build a Product Photography Portfolio

Ready, set go… This masterclass will provide you with a step-by-step guide to building a professional portfolio that not only looks impressive but also helps you land more gigs. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to revamp your existing portfolio, this masterclass is packed with actionable tips and insider secrets.

Scroll down to learn more about being a professional creator (Free Mini-Course)👇🏼

🧐 What is Product Photography?

Product photography is about creating images that make products look their absolute best! Whether it’s an expensive skincare serum or a new protein bar, photographers use lighting, styling, and composition to make drool-worthy images.

💰 Why Do Brands Pay a Lot for It?

Brands are willing to pay a lot for product photography because when a product looks good, people are more likely to buy it. This means brands see a direct return on their investment, making product photography an extremely lucrative career!

📸 How Do I Get Started?

All you need is a camera or Iphone, and access to light. Natural/window light will work just fine if you are just starting out!

Now, take our Free Mini-Course to learn how to start working with brands👇🏼